Dana Holkestad Therapy
“It is a joy to be hidden, and disaster not to be found.”
― D.W. Winnicott

A bit about myself
I believe that our individual life experiences are significant and that they infuse our careers with unique knowledge we then combine with skills and competencies to create change. I am an artistic and spiritual person who loves to reflect, create stories, enjoy nature and develop her own meaning in small, daily ways and in larger encompassing ways. I want to extend this passion to my clients.
I possess an undergraduate degree from Vancouver Island University in Engligh/Biology and 3 years of coursework in Linguistics/Psychology from Concordia University. I received my Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology from Adler University in Vancouver, BC. All of these experiences have enriched my understanding of myself, others and the world in different ways, creating a mosaic of knowledge that has been very helpful to draw from. My three years of experience as a Registered Therapist (Qualifying) have provided me with a breadth of experience and a wonderful introduction to the field. I welcome further inquiries about my educational background